A group who break into and old mining cave system soon realise a nest of Crocodiles inhabit the caves.
Zora has been described as an indigo since childhood, making her life always haunted and targeted by supernatural beings. Alongside her younger sibling, who is also an indigo, they strive to overcome their fear of these unseen attacks.
1999 年夏天,一位名叫达拉斯·凯尔的 12 岁男孩拍摄到传说中的蛙人的镜头,但没有人相信这是真的。二十年后,达拉斯现在是一名业余电影制作人,努力将自己的热情转化为职业,他与朋友回到拉夫兰,决心获得无可辩驳的证据证明蛙人存在。但是,当达拉斯揭开隐藏在洛夫兰田园诗般的表面之下的可怕秘密时,这部纪录片很快就变成了洛夫克拉夫特式的噩梦。
David Petersen is passing through the Colorado Rockies. After saving a young diner waitress from her violent ex-husband during a break from driving, he hits the road again alone through a dangerous snow blizzard. One false move behind the wheel has him waking up inside a ravine, in the eye of the storm. But the cold is the least of his worries when a beast starts prowling outsi...
自幼有陰陽眼、不斷受朋輩排擠的向榮(江??生 飾),某日收到母親(白靈 飾)自殺不遂入院的消息,被迫從加拿大返回香港,並回到舊居暫住。 回到兒時熟悉的地方,再一次見到鬼的向榮發現,這裡氣氛詭異、怪事連連,似乎正發生驚人的變化!居於同層的街坊鍾伯(太保 飾)與鍾婆(譚玉瑛 飾)亦行為怪異。夜半,樓上七樓總傳來古怪聲響,迫使向榮到上層一探究竟。一連串疑幻疑真的離奇事件相繼發生,令他陷入崩潰邊緣?? 七樓的死亡傳說彷彿家喻戶曉,疑似有陰陽眼的鄰居小孩不斷求救,所有事都向他步步進逼。面對此地他方的種種怪事,到底是向榮看清了真相,還是真相只存在他一個人眼中?
连年亏损的民间马戏团被团长连人带物贱卖给奸商,其中宫兰兰和阿丽以及其他团员在新老板大金牙的忽悠下,一同登船开启了去泰国巡演的旅途。 行至东南亚热带雨林途中,突然遭遇了神秘巨蟒的袭击,他们搭救了一个名叫杰夫的神秘男子。可接连的巨蟒袭击造成船体沉没,杰夫提出带众人穿过雨林去找他的船,却不料这个男人的真实身份竟然是“偷猎者”。蒙在鼓里的马戏团等人就此踏上一条充满血腥的热带雨林之旅……
Insomnia spreads in a small town, causing fear and panic. As the situation becomes dire, two couples find salvation on an abandoned ranch, but as nefarious characters descend upon the land, claiming it as their own, and chaos ensues.
On June 30th, 2018, Officer David Serling went missing inside an undisclosed abandoned hospital. Using his recovered body cam footage, his wife attempts to piece together what happened to him on that horrible night.
一侦探追捕杀妇女的神经病,但该神经病“反败为胜”(=turns the tables)开始找起侦探女友的麻烦来了/ A detective sets out to capture a psycho who kills women, but the psycho turns the tables and goes after the detective's girlfriend.
热闹的嘉年华来到平静沉闷的小镇,两对青年男女:艾米?哈勃(Elizabeth Berridge 饰)、巴兹?克莱蒙特(Cooper Huckabee 饰)、里奇?艾特伯雷(Miles Chapin 饰)和莉兹?杜肯(Largo Woodruff 饰)结伴前来玩耍。长夜将尽,年轻人兴致盎然,不愿离去。莉兹提议彻夜留在欢乐屋内,得到众人一致同意。 然而他们却在这里看见一个身材巨大、戴着科学怪人面具的恐怖杀手(Wayne Doba 饰)。随后他们更惹怒了欢乐屋的主人,一场针对这四个年轻人的杀戮旋即展开……